Showing 76 - 100 of 242 Results
A rudimentary treatise on clock and watch making; with a chapter on church clocks; and an ac... by Edmund Beckett Denison ISBN: 9781293407806 List Price: $29.75
On the Origin of the Laws of Nature - Primary Source Edition by Edmund Beckett ISBN: 9781289854904 List Price: $21.75
Astronomy Without Mathematics by Pliny Earle Chase, Edmund B... ISBN: 9781289846329 List Price: $32.75
Astronomy Without Mathematics - Primary Source Edition by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781289534202 List Price: $36.75
On the origin of the laws of nature by Edmund Beckett ISBN: 9789332899902
A Letter to the Archbisop of York by Chancellor Vicar General, E... ISBN: 9781356651504 List Price: $21.95
A Book on Building, Civil and Ecclesiastical by Edmund Beckett ISBN: 9781357357320 List Price: $29.95
A Reply [By E. Beckett] to Dr. Farrar's Answer to Sir Edmund Beckett's 'should the Revised N... by Frederic William Farrar, Ed... ISBN: 9781298726742 List Price: $21.95
Six Letters On Dr. Todd's Discourses On the Prophesies Relating to Antichrist in the Apocalypse by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781298727008 List Price: $22.95
Should the Revised New Testament Be Authorised? by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781297732171 List Price: $24.95
A Rudimentary Treatise On Clock and Watch Making: With a Chapter On Church Clocks; and an Ac... by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781298691385 List Price: $25.95
A Rudimentary Treatise On Clocks, Watches & Bells for Public Purposes by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781298536204 List Price: $28.95
Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches and Bells for Public Purposes - Primary Source Edition by Grimthorpe, Baron Edmund Be... ISBN: 9781295801923 List Price: $36.75
Rudimentary Treatise on Clock and Watch Making : With a Chapter on Church Clocks; and an Acc... by Grimthorpe, Baron Edmund Be... ISBN: 9781295854981 List Price: $28.75
Reply [by E. Beckett] to Dr. Farrar's Answer to Sir Edmund Beckett's 'Should the Revised New... by Farrar, Frederic William, B... ISBN: 9781295578672 List Price: $17.75
Reply [by E. Beckett] to Dr. Farrar's Answer to Sir Edmund Beckett's 'Should the Revised New... by Farrar, Frederic William, B... ISBN: 9781295876327 List Price: $17.75
Six Letters on Dr. Todd's Discourses on the Prophesies Relating to Antichrist in the Apocaly... by Grimthorpe, Baron Edmund Be... ISBN: 9781295664931 List Price: $20.75
Rudimentary Treatise on Clocks, Watches and Bells for Public Purposes - Scholar's Choice Edi... by Grimthorpe, Baron Edmund Be... ISBN: 9781294956938 List Price: $35.75
A Review of Hume and Huxley on Miracles by Edmund Beckett Grimthorpe ISBN: 9785519257459 List Price: $44.95
A Review of Hume and Huxley On Miracles - Primary Source Edition by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781294281443 List Price: $17.75
Lectures on Church-Building by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781230395586 List Price: $22.40
St. Alban's Cathedral and Its Restoration; With a New Ground Plan and a Picture of the Churc... by Baron Edmund Beckett Grimth... ISBN: 9781230209098 List Price: $10.77
On the Origin of the Laws of Nature by Edmund Beckett ISBN: 9780559266782 List Price: $19.99
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